An Open Letter

Thankyou all so much for your support on my very first post. This is something I wrote during my first semester of college and I would love to share it with you all.

To Whom it May Concern

Yes I am a person with a disability. Yes I do use a wheel chair, and I wear a helmet, and yes my body does not always work the same way as yours.
I am so much more than this though.
I am daughter, I am sister, I’m an aunt, and a friend.
I am a classmate, an actress, a camp counsoler, a shoulder to lean on, and someone who is doing the leaning. I am a scared girl and a proud women. I am a little kid and a mature adult. I am happy and angry and sad all at once. And I am a bundle of energy full of great ideas.

I am more then just a girl in a wheelchair. I am more then my sickness or my disability.
I am done being treated like my disability defines me, I am ready to define myself. I have a whole lot of things to say and a loud Voice to say them with. So don’t tell me to sit down (FYI MY LEGS DO WORK!). I will stand up, I will dance and I will fight for my right to an education.

Yours truly
Tiffaney, TiffyG, Skittles, Sleeping Beauty, Crash and many more to come I’m sure.

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